Jamie Friend


Do you work with other health professionals? +

Absolutely! I love working with people to provide a more holistic service for you to reach your full potential. My days as a project manager made me a very good networker. I respect all fields of health, and believe naturopathy provides a very complementary service to General Practitioners, chiropractic/osteopathic/physio care, psychological care, exercise physiology, etc.

Can I claim private health on naturopathy services? +

Unfortunately, not at the moment. Although I am incredibly passionate about getting naturopathy recognised as a registered profession and hope this is something we will regain in the near future. If your financial circumstances are making your health difficult to manage – please speak to me and we will come to some sort of arrangement. I want to make health accessible to you.

How many appointments do I need to see improvement? +

This depends on what you’re trying to treat. Some people come in for one consult, and experience immediate benefits within 1-7 days. Others have more chronic conditions that may take 3-6 months to shift. These patients will see short-term benefits, but may rely on more consults to see a permanent shift of their symptoms.

Do you treat children? +

Absolutely! Naturopathy is a fantastic alternative to treat asthma, eczema, acne, ear infections, sore throats, coughs, tummy aches, headaches, and behavioural concerns (e.g. autism spectrum disorder [ASD] or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD]) of which children commonly experience.
I also provide postpartum support for both mum and baby to make sure you both remain happy and healthy throughout this new life stage.

Can I speak to you before booking? +

Yes! You absolutely can speak to me. I respond to emails/calls. However, as I may not be able to answer, I recommend you book in a 15 minute discovery call. Please keep in mind these calls are general discussion only so I can explain how naturopathy may benefit you or your family and I do not give any advice or recommendations during this time.

Wanting to learn a little bit more about me?

I’m Jamie Friend, a nerdy and dedicated degree-qualified naturopathic practitioner, passionate about guiding individuals on their path to vibrant wellbeing. Drawing from a rich lineage of herbal and nutritional medicine, I seamlessly blend traditional practices with evidence-based research. By tapping into the innate wisdom of the body, I work to create harmony by removing obstacles and restoring balance to every body system.


Through a collaborative and person-centred approach, I empower individuals to take an active role in their healing and growth process. By delving deep into the internal and external factors that influence health, I strive to uncover the root causes of dysfunction. I craft personalised treatments that combine traditional and evidence-based naturopathic approaches, such as food as medicine, nutritional therapeutics, herbal remedies, diet and lifestyle techniques. Every treatment is meticulously designed by me to realign the body with its unique flow, fostering holistic healing.


With a keen interest in lifestyle medicine, I’m equipped to guide individuals at any stage of your health journey. Whether you’re grappling with acute issues or managing long-term health conditions, I offer unwavering support. I find my skills particularly useful in treating digestive issues, nurturing the nervous system and mental wellbeing, rekindling energy and vitality, boosting immune function, optimising skin health, and promoting hormonal and menstrual balance. And I approach these areas through an inclusive and empowering lens, recognising the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.


When you entrust your health to me, you can expect a compassionate practitioner who listens attentively to your concerns, works collaboratively to unveil the underlying causes of your health challenges, and crafts individualised treatment plans tailored to your unique needs. Through my guidance and expertise, you will unlock your body’s potential for optimal health, embracing a life of vitality, balance, and lasting wellbeing throughout your whole lifecycle.


I’m also an experienced yoga and meditation instructor and in my spare time you’ll often find me conducting further research, collaborating with other professions or spending time with my family and friends.


Naturopathy Qualifications

– Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy)

Accredited With

Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia (NHAA)


Other Qualifications
– Bachelor of Applied Science (Project Management)(First Class Honours)
– Double Diploma of Business & Business Administration
– Experienced Yoga Teacher (E-RYT500)
– Registered Meditation Teacher (RMT200)


Please note I work across three different locations – Highett, Balaclava and Moonee Ponds. Telehealth is available across all 3 of these locations.

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