The Friendly Naturopath

Tips to improve your meditation practice

Tips to improve your meditation practice

The following video shares some of my most popular tips to improve your meditation practice. By following these tips, you’ll feel more comfortable and be able to settle into your meditation practice with greater ease.

One thing I didn’t address in this video (I’ll need to eventually update at some point) is how to turn your practice into a habit. My best tip for consistency in practice is to do it amongst an already established routine (eg. before brushing your teeth). I love the tip of closing your eyes and taking a deep breath before you turn off a light switch (yes, it can be THAT simple). In regards to how long you should meditate for, I do cover why you shouldn’t rush into a 20-30 minute practice right away. Like lifting weights at the gym, start small and work your way up.

If you have any questions pertaining to your meditation practice or any further tips to improve your meditation, please contact me. I love speaking to people about their experience.

Remember! There is no such thing as a bad meditation! Just keep dedicating time to practice, even if it’s for 1 minute. Even 10 minutes is less than 1% of your day.

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